Friday, October 7, 2011

Peeked My Pinterest

I am totally addicted to Pinterest.
So thrilled with this online bulletin board of fun, It actually gave me new vision for my blog.
And here it is. I am back.

I tried this recipe Zucchini Cakes

and was totally thrilled with the taste, the fact that I found it on Pinterest, and that I actually was intrigued enough to let my creative side come alive.

In my new vision provoked by Pinterest, I see my blog being much more fascinating as I record new things I learn, love and try. My new vision also includes me actually learning how to add pictures from the internet as well as links to sites that make me smile, think, laugh, etc...
To some this may seem like nothing new, but to me it is very new territory.
I have always been quite lazy when it comes to learning and/or trying new things and I would really like to turn over a new leaf here.
Consequently in one post you have a new recipe and two new linking skillz. I am so proud of me right now.

I thank my wonderful friend Laura B. for introducing me to Pinterest. I mean if I'm at home a lot more with my sweet girl I might as well learn some new things and try some new stuff and just get all around smarter and more creative striving to better myself...right?

That's something I really enjoy about life...
I can always better myself. The opportunities in which to do this are endless.
It's really quite exciting when you think about it!


  1. mmm, zucchini. By any chance can you re-post or email your bday list you deleted?! Thx! xoxo

  2. Hmmm...I'll have to re-post because I do believe Blogger told me that if I deleted then all my stuff would be gone. Nice to start fresh :)
    I'm sure the list has changed by now though ;)

  3. She wants an 18v or better lithium drill, preferably the stubby little one. And either a Samsung Galaxy S2 or an HTC Amaze. Also she said she really wants some cast iron pans with that coating on the handles that stays cool in the oven.
