Friday, April 27, 2012

The FInished Product

A couple months ago I went a little crazy at Michaels and purchased all the props I needed to create this little letter.

It actually turned out pretty nice if I don't say so myself. I was given a book at my graduation with all the names of God and the meanings and the scripture references. It was a beautiful old book that I never wanted to throw away but couldn't quite decide what to do with it. I didn't want to just leave it on a shelf or in a box. It was so beautiful. So I used it to modge podge over the letter "Z".

The old frame from VV with a coat of primer and a coat of white spray paint. It actually is pretty rustic looking but  decided I like it like that so it saved me a lot of sanding and finicky finishing stuff to just except it as it came out first try.

Fills up this little corner of wall quite nicely. Every so slowly but surely I am filling some wall space back up in my fresh new living room. It's fun, but slow.             ON another note...I am not enjoying this new blogger. I can't figure it out at all. It is making me quite angry. But perhaps the anger is fueled by my very sore leg and the fact that I have been sick all week and therefore to tired to do much and my roomie is coming home tomorrow night and I haven't got her room ready. I'm just too dang tired. Frustrating. I guess I'll just sit on this couch and admire my letter "Z" and dream about getting all the things done that I'd like to before this baby shows up. 22 weeks tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hoarder? I think not.

All of these things are of use to me. I am not hoarding them. I am simply storing them until they become necessary to my day. Plus, look how organized this crawlspace is. By the end of this week, it will be an organized haven full of treasures.
Here is the progress on the playroom. Ray has a few more days of mudding and then our buddy is going to paint it for us. A whole pile of stuff from the crawlspace will then find it's home in here for our little children to play with :) I will post more pictures as we go.
Miss Mouse ate a very good breakfast and lunch yesterday but totally shunned dinner. Weirdo.
I've been making a conscious effort to sit her down for proper meals and avoid random snacking throughout the day. It's easy to get lazy and just let her graze all day, but I realize that is not teaching her proper eating habits nor is it helping pregnant mama to practice proper eating habits. Everything I do and every way in which  conduct myself now has new meaning with Elliott. I want her to get the very best of me.
...she gets this from her dad though...
So in an attempt to stop "hoarding" as Ray put it, I have made a deal with myself to not shop until all my projects are done. So here is where I've started. Ugly frame from VV boutque..
Primer and white spray paint...
Ran out of time so you have to wait for the next post to see the finished product...
Why do we buy them toys. She had more fun with this planter and her $3 dollar ball then with anything else in the house that we've bought her. But I always forget this when I am in a store and see the cute items that would bring a temporary smile to my mouses face.  I see where my changes need to be made. Now I just need the grace to carry them out!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

20 weeks down, 20 or so weeks to go!

Here is my 20 week baby belly. I've been experiencing Braxton Hicks the last few weeks. A phenomena I never experienced with Elliott, or at least not that I noticed. They are definitely noticeable this time though and rather uncomfortable as well! This little one is very active right after supper and then off and on until I lay down to go to bed at night. I may have a little night owl on my hands.
Unlike miss Elliott who has always loved to go to bed early and get up early. She takes after her mama.

I bought her some new books to start the new chapter of her life. Wish me luck...
Ray and Elliott just left together to go to Save On to pick up steak for dinner. I feel like BBQ tonight. I love spring and it makes me want to eat BBQ.
At Home Depot today.
They are best buddies and I love that. Ray takes Elliott everywhere with him on his days off. It warms my heart to see how much they love to be together.
Our sweet family.
It's going to be so life changing to add a fourth. But if it's anything as wonderful as adding Elliott than bring it on!
Spring not only brings BBQ to mind but also happy spring/summer toes for mama and baby. I love that I got my girl. She is so precious to me. So much fun to be with, love on and be a mother to.
There was no way to get those toes to stop wiggling long enough to get a daisy painted on though...
Have I mentioned how much I love my new window seat set up?
Elliott spends a lot of time playing up there. So worth the money and effort just for her :)
Value Village rarely lets me down. $5 dollar adorable spring dress. My baby girl looks perfect in peach!
Life is great and we are having lots of fun.
Ray is still working on the crawlspace playroom project and I have been busy buying second hand toys to fill it up. I hope our kids and their buds will have a lot of future fun playing down there...and also that mama and daddy will spend some more time in the gym while the kids are occupied in the playroom!

I'm ramping up to get started on Elliotts big girl room although it is very easy to find a reason not to do anything. I've been sleepier than usual. Raising a toddler and incubating is a bit more work than incubating with no toddler.

Pictures will come when we I get it together :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby bliss

Yesterday we saw our sweet baby via ultrasound.
Such an amazing feeling to see the little limbs that have been fluttering about in my belly. The tec said I am 19 weeks and 3 days which is better than the 18wks and 6 days that I was first told. We'll see what the follow up ultrasound has to say. She didn't get a good measurement of baby's head because baby is tucked way down in my pelvis just like Elliott was. Any excuse to see my little one again is a good one!
Too bad the picture is sideways. And since I haven't figured out how to get my photos from my phone to my computer it's a gong show to me as to how to edit this photo before uploading in to my blog. Ah well, I'll figure it out one day by accident I am sure.

Ray bought a new BBQ today as our old one bit the dust. It's real perdy. We had BBQ chicken and roasted potatoes with tossed salad for dinner. First BBQ of the season. I immediately made my grocery/weekly menu which consists of 5 BBQ dinners. I love BBQ season.

In an attempt to save money and become more aware of my spending, I am making a weekly menu and then shopping for it instead of just buying whatever I think we need or might eat from the grocery store. Last week we stuck to it most of the time. I think we strayed from it twice one of which times we went to the Keg and spent $100! What can you do? Baby steps in the right direction is all I can attempt. Here's hoping that the change will follow.

Progress on the renos goes slow. Ray is plugging away at the mudding of the crawlspace and I am attempting to finish up hemming and dapping and painting trim in the living room. I really want to move on but unfortunately, energy is used up on parenting, healing, and incubating. Alas, I do what I can and will post photos as we go.

Off to hem some curtains before my eyelids get too heavy!
Tomorrow I WILL start Elliott's big girl room!!!! I WILL, I WILL!

well, we'll see :)