Friday, April 27, 2012

The FInished Product

A couple months ago I went a little crazy at Michaels and purchased all the props I needed to create this little letter.

It actually turned out pretty nice if I don't say so myself. I was given a book at my graduation with all the names of God and the meanings and the scripture references. It was a beautiful old book that I never wanted to throw away but couldn't quite decide what to do with it. I didn't want to just leave it on a shelf or in a box. It was so beautiful. So I used it to modge podge over the letter "Z".

The old frame from VV with a coat of primer and a coat of white spray paint. It actually is pretty rustic looking but  decided I like it like that so it saved me a lot of sanding and finicky finishing stuff to just except it as it came out first try.

Fills up this little corner of wall quite nicely. Every so slowly but surely I am filling some wall space back up in my fresh new living room. It's fun, but slow.             ON another note...I am not enjoying this new blogger. I can't figure it out at all. It is making me quite angry. But perhaps the anger is fueled by my very sore leg and the fact that I have been sick all week and therefore to tired to do much and my roomie is coming home tomorrow night and I haven't got her room ready. I'm just too dang tired. Frustrating. I guess I'll just sit on this couch and admire my letter "Z" and dream about getting all the things done that I'd like to before this baby shows up. 22 weeks tomorrow!

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