Thursday, November 17, 2011


I have challenged myself to cook more. Doesn't have to be new and fancy, just ready when darling Raymond gets home from work, or shortly after. I have been feeling much better in so many ways and am up to the challenge.
This meal was crock pot except for the asparagus. Those I tossed in olive oil and Parmesan among other spices and baked them for 15 minutes. My new favorite way to cook asparagus. Leaves them a bit crunchy which I really enjoyed.
Whipped up a batch of chewy ginger snaps for a coffee date with Gramma and Grampa a coupled days ago. I set 2 aside for Ray and then sent the rest home with Grampa as having them here does nothing for my butt or midrange.
And I Christmas decorated the living room! I'd like to do the media room and kitchen too but we'll see. I don't want to spend a ton of cash but I've got to get some new decor as I got rid of a bunch last year. Time for a change I suppose.
I used pink and black upstairs, so I think that I will use blue and silver everywhere else since I have a ton of blue and silver decorations.
Every year I say I'm going to shop after Christmas for new decor when it is 75% off, and every year I do no such thing.
This year....
Just a wee tree. I don't really want to get into the tree. Instead I ordered a Fisher Price Little People nativity set for Elliott. I'd like to teach her the meaning of Christmas. We'll see. I make no commitment to no tree in the future, but for now it is good.
Unlike Ray, I do find some good in Christmas. I know the origins are messy and the meaning deceiving, but still we can celebrate God's goodness to us in the gift of his Son.
It is pretty. And time with family and friends and holidays to relax are all wonderful gifts too.
Here is Elliott at daddy's office chair. We brought him Starbucks and she awed his coworkers with her greatness. We love her so :)

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